- More than one abstract may be submitted.
- Abstract submission will be done through the online system m-anage.com for oral and poster presentations.
- Abstracts for symposia will be submitted separately by email. Please follow the instructions here.
- E-mail confirmation of abstract submissions will be sent when the abstract is submitted.
- E-mail notification of acceptance will be sent after 15 days of submission.
- Authors are required to register for the conference and complete payment before March 19, 2023, in order to present.
- Abstracts are to be written in English and should be submitted electronically using the submission form. Only correctly submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed.
- The abstract title is limited to 150 characters. The abstract is max. 350 words for oral and poster presentations and max. 1000 words for symposia.
- Abstracts for oral and poster presentations need to report on the following information: background, methods, results, discussion (including limitations), and a conclusion section.
- Abstracts for symposia should be written in a structured way giving a brief introduction to the topic, the objectives of the symposium, then short sections including names and affiliations of the presenters, chairperson, and/or discussant, each name followed by a short abstract of the individual presentations. The abstract must include a concluding section summarizing the expected learning outcomes for the audience.
- Please do not include tables and graphs in the abstract.
- Please ensure that your research has been approved by the relevant ethics committees (if applicable). Accepted abstracts for oral, poster, and symposium will be published in the conference proceedings and on the ARK website.
- Abstracts that do not fulfill the criteria discussed above will not be reviewed and will be rejected.