General Information
Abstract submission deadline extended to January 15, 2023.
You can submit your abstract here.
There are 3 options for abstract submissions:
- Oral presentation: Presenters in these dedicated sessions receive 13 minutes to present their work (project, research, quality improvement initiative, innovative ideas, …), followed by 2 minutes for questioning by the audience. All selected abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Poster presentation: Presenters in these dedicated sessions will be invited to develop a poster to present their work (project, research, quality improvement initiative, innovative ideas, …). Presenters will need to present their work during the dedicated sessions and a broad audience will be guided through the posters and discussion will be encouraged. Posters will not be accepted by presenters who are not attending the congress.
- Symposia: Presenters receive 90 minutes to create a session including different presenters discussing one specific topic or theme. Preference is given to symposia that are empirically based and present either new research data or the findings of systematic literature reviews. The format typically includes a chairperson and four presenters. The chairperson, who may also be a presenter, develops the format and content of the symposium, provides a brief overview of the topic for the audience, and introduces the speakers. Besides, the chair summarizes, integrates, and/or critically comments on the presentations and their relevance to future directions of inquiry.