Open Access eBooks Publishing

ARK’s eBooks Publishing publishes a broad spectrum of academic books in collaboration with research scholars and authors to promote scientific research and education. The Ark Group staff will provide you with all necessary support to complete your book.

Publishing Academic Research

Annually, greater than 5,000,000 theses are written global in the research industry. In addition to this are the severa research notes, articles, and the many innovative concepts of professors, universities and institutions. Enterprises and scientists would be specially fascinated in these ideas; nevertheless, up to today, most of this work is shelved as a end result of excessive costs.

Benefits of Publishing with us

If you publish your eBook with us, we will provide the following services for eBook Production:

  • Digital editing and cleaning of your supplied file
  • Cover design by a professional book designer for free
  • Page design and layout by a professional book designer
  • Digital proofs for you to check, amend and correct.
  • Search Engine Optimization of each book chapter through various scientific search engines
  • Promotion through various social networking platforms

Social Media Marketing

Some people continue to doubt the power and importance of social media. However, the facts and figures are now simply beyond irrefutable. If you have yet to establish a viable online presence you could be missing valuable promotional opportunities.

A short biography of the author(s)/editor(s) will be included in the published book. As a book author/editor, you will have the opportunity to share your knowledge internationally and to boost your scientific impact.

What does it cost?

The costs of self-publishing with us are less than you might expect. We will provide an initial quotation based on your specification. If you need help deciding your specification, we will be happy to discuss this with you. The estimated costs for publishing of a book of 70000 words and extensive marketing it is £249.00 only.

Book Proposal

Please include the following in your Book proposal and submit the proposal to  

Author’s Information

Full Name(s)

Position, Title, and affiliation

Detailed Resume/CV

Book Information

A concise title for the book

The discipline(s) covered by the book

Table of contents (if available)

Book Type, whether it is

Edited Book

Reference Book

Monograph or Other

The intended audience(s) for it (students, educators, researchers, etc.).