Travel Grants

The ARK Travel Grant program provides grants for ARK Members to attend and present at ARK sponsored conferences or other legitimate conferences.

Application Guidelines:

  • Applicant must be a past IEEE conference attendee and his/her article must be published in legitimate journals.
  • Applications must be submitted at least three (4) months prior to the conference or event. The ARK Committee will review applications and make decisions at their next scheduled ARK meeting. It takes at most two months.
  • An applicant can receive only one grant per year.
  • If applicant is granted a travel grant this year, the applicant is not eligible to apply again until one full year has passed between applications.
  • Only one author per paper for the conference will be awarded a travel grant
  • Travel expenses will be reimbursed after submission of the detailed expense report.
  • Student applicants will be required to provide university affiliation documentation.
  • Travel grant recipients must submit a one-page report from the conference or event experience along with interesting photos within thirty (30) days after the conference or event.  Reports may be selected for publication in the ARK Newsletter and ARK social media platforms.
  • Travel grant limit is up to US$500.
  • Reimbursement will be dependent on submission of the completed event report, completed expense report form, and receipts.
  • The following conferences/events are not eligible for the travel grant:
    • Negative feedback or reviews on the conference organizer.
    • Should not be a Predatory Conferences.

How to Apply:

For questions about the ARK Travel Grant program, please contact

Other Sources of Funding for Research or Attending Conferences

As much as we would like to fund everyone it simply is not possible.  For this reason we include here information on other sources of funding such as travel grants.

Remember to first try to request a travel grant from your Educational University/Institute. You may be pleasantly surprised! They may know of a granting group of which we are unaware. Try also your local Chamber of Commerce and Local Authority. Listed below are a small number of additional groups which provide travel grants aimed specifically at funding women. Please always read carefully the application forms for funding groups. Some require traveling to a specific country, others require the student to be at a specific level of their studies whilst others still require the student to undertake study or research in a specific field.

We hope that you find this information useful.

ACM-W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences:

Anita Borg Awards:

Global Fund for Women:

Google Travel and Conference Grants:!europe/

Travel Grants for Women (Advance Africa):

100 Grants, Loans & Scholarships for Women. Note that some of those listed may be out of date:

L’Oreal International Fellowships:

FWO – Opening New Horizons:

Networking Networking Women:

Other interesting Conferences for Women in STEM: Women Techmakers Summit in Google